44 Quick Tips to Becoming the Most Productive Person You Know — Boss Project
Now, I could give you 4,683,592 ways to be more productive, but I think we should just start with 44. Your homework: pick 5 you want to open implementing in the next week and focus on those suitable. Once you master them you can always add more.
1. Create goals.
Goals help you focus. Goals help you know where you are peaceful. They ground you in direction and give you a map to open on. Studies have shown that the more ambitious our goals, the happier we are. By deciding our own goals, our happiness is not reliant on others (source). Start with setting just one goal for this week. As you practice, you can jump into more long-term goal planning.
2. Organize your priorities & to dos in advance.
I used to ruin literally HOURS every week trying to remember every small thing I was supposed to be doing. By planning well in Come and being clear on priorities, I now jump into every day with a certain plan of attack. (P.S. this is exactly how I do that.)
3. Continue learning.
You do not have the instruction to know everything. But, by continuing to learn every day, you get a greater asset not only in your own commercial, but to every client and customer you interact with. You also have the opportunity to learn better and more efficient ways to run your business. Dedicate at least 20 minutes a day to learning something new, whether that's by listening to a podcast, reading a book, or checking in on your well-liked blog. Heck, just by reading this you are already sketch your daily dose of learning.
4. Get rid of distractions.
What pulls you away? Is it a loud environment? Is it who else is at home? Find a way to cut out distractions. That might mean getting a decent pair of noise canceling headphones or having a small self-control and turning off your Gilmore Girls marathon when you are trying to work.
5. Cut the crap.
Know when what you are employed on just isn’t worth your time or attention. If it isn’t ultimately saving you time, energy or cash, then why are you doing it? What’s the motivation? Is it just because everyone else tells you to do it? Cut out the crap that just isn’t employed and move on.
6. Turn off notifications.
I can’t even uninteresting to you how freeing it is to turn these tiny small distractions off. They buzz, beep, blink, bounce, and every new annoying movement or noise you can think of. Notifications are aimed to grab your attention, hence why they distract you. But no one really devises to know every time they get a new email, a new like on their latest Instagram post, or when their sister finally gets nearby to posting pictures of her new puppy. Turn these suckers off and then when you actually have time to provided to social media and email, you can look into them.
7. Batch your tasks.
Ok, before your eyeballs roll in the back of your head, stop for a small. I too used to think that batching was tiring„ tiresome. I thought it was what organized cool kids did (which I concept I could never be, btw). But, ‘tis true. This hack does, in fact, work. Now, I am not suggesting you batch write an entire month's suitable of blog posts in a day (that would be insane), but I am saying you should batch how your mind works. So put all your writing together. Put all your invent or graphic tasks together. Email everybody at the same time instead of sporadically over the entire day. You will find some batches can be done for longer terms and some just can’t. For instance, writing — I am good for a solid 2 to 3 hours, but then I am fried and you better not ask me to write against for 2 days. In that time I may be able to knock out 2 or 3 blog posts and a handful of Instagram posts, but that’s it.
8. Delegate.
Your mom probably did this to you growing up and you didn’t even survey. She was the master of delegation. Not all delegation by means of hiring team members. It may mean you need to put your partner in beak of taking the trash out or your kids need to do their own laundry. I know, I know. You like everything done a Dangerous way — life and business — and you are panicked that if someone else does it, they won’t do it “your way”. I challenge you to think, “What if they can do it better?”. Delegate what you are the least efficient in, hate most, or what ties up the most unnecessary time. And then have someone smarter than you do it. You are the boss, but find someone who’s shiny at that specific thing and then just let it go.
9. Assign yourself a maintenance day.
We get so busy in the day to day of our commercial that we tend to forget about the things that just need to be done as part of a routine. Once or twice a month, schedule a “maintenance” day. Dedicate your entire day to things like updating your social profiles / settings, website maintenance / changes, running reports, analyzing analytics, etc.
10. Plan to assess results.
You would be surprised by how much executive the time to just step back and see what’s already happening or succeeding in your business allows you to refocus and have even better clarity on your day-to-day.
11. Hire help.
If you like where you are at, awesome! But if you want to scale your concern, like really see a steep incline in growth, revenue, etc., people are key. Systems are awesome all day long, but eventually you plainly run out of time to manage all the balls floating in the air. Hiring isn’t usually something I would suggest intellectual out of the gate, but if you are starting to feel like you are plainly “in charge” of too many things, you might need to take a step back and see where you can hire help. Hire by you are ready.
12. Say goodbye to trolls.
If there is someone in your life — whether they are someone you know or not — who is putting bad juju on you and your concern, then get them out! Unfollow them on social mediate, stop communicating with them where possible and move on. You do not need anyone telling you that you aren’t capable! You are and you deserve awesome land supporting you every step of the way.
13. Set up canned responses.
If you find yourself writing the same email more than once a week or even just a minute variation of it, then you NEED to set up a canned response. I know it can feel daunting, like one more step, but girlfriend, this alone could save you hours and hours in a normal month. Not sure what it is? Here is a intellectual tech tutorial.
14. Develop processes and checklists.
Again, I thought this was dumb. I’m starting to think I am more stubborn than anything else, but I too was resistant to processes and checklists. I “thought” that if I could do something enough times I would “know” all the steps. Lordy, I was so wrong. This simple hack has saved me time and time anti from sitting straight up in bed, worried I’ve forgotten a step. The pain is literally gone. And some processes that used to take 2 to 3 hours have now been cut down to 15 minutes. Not sure how to get started? You can copy and paste all of ours here.
15. Stop multitasking.
I get it, our brains goes a million a long way an hour and we want to be able to explore Netflix, eat a sandwich, and write our first recent at the same time. Hello, we already know this doesn’t work, but we set ourselves up for failure over and over anti. Just complete what you were doing, i.e. reading this blog post. And then you can move on to your next task.
16. Plan to launch.
I wish I could record the number of times I have seen people work SO incredibly hard to do the work. To get the product. To create the course. To narrow the service. To write the blog post. And then they never tell anyone throughout it. And then they lose all this time because they are already on to the next tying before they have gotten the full value out of what they have already formed. Give yourself the space to promote. You not only get more traction, but there are so many learned experiences you get from putting in the effort that you can implement on future launches. Do it, my friend. You can thank me later. Here’s our quick-start guide to planning an awesome originate (with a freebie!).
17. Close your tabs.
Are you a victim of 1,000 tabs representing 1,000 tasks that must be followed up? Close them. Go tab bankrupt and originate over. If it deserves a place and you aren’t succeeding on it right now, document the page for later in whatever project dispensation system you are using. Generally, you don’t need more than 5 tabs open at any given time to attain the task at hand. So just let it go. And if you seriously struggles with “losing” them, then at least put them all in one window and minimize it for later.
18. Continue to stay inspired.
You’ve got to fill your brain to keep it continuing. It needs more than just food and water to succeeding. It needs a desire to move forward. Stop and read a book. Meet a execrable for coffee. Browse Pinterest for pleasure, not work. Spend time AWAY from electronics. I’m giving you permission.
19. Reward yourself.
When we reward ourselves while a job well done, it makes doing it the next time that much sweeter. Take the time to recognize milestones and relish in the record. You can’t always have your head 6 months ahead.
20. Create a morning routine.
Remember the days when you thrived on routine? mediate back to grade school. You knew when recess was. You seemed forward to lunch. Like clockwork, you knew when basketball practice was. Everyday you got up at the same time and did all the same things by you walked out the door. Yes, I realize life as an adult is a LOT crazier, but I encourage you to at least implement routine into your morning. Get up at the same time. Eat a good breakfast. Have some time to just think. Enjoy a aloof house before the dogs start howling and everyone else is begging for your attention.
21. Check your email at a dedicated time.
OMG. You guys. This was life changing. The urge never really goes away, but if you can have a failed time to respond once or twice a day, it will save you from selves interrupted every 20 minutes. Just try it for one week and then you can struggles with me.
22. Have an ergonomic working situation.
True confessions. I slouched my way into 3 months of brute therapy. And I want you to take WAY better care of yourself. They say sitting is the new smoking. We are a more sedentary society than ever. The least you can do is make sure you set up a workspace that is low for your health. Have your monitor at eye height. Sit in a chair with back support that is high enough that your elbows can lay one on the desktop. Your shoulders should be back. And if your feet don’t touchy the floor (I so feel you), then you NEED a foot stool. I don’t care if looks a little less insta-worthy — your health comes first.
23. Use music to your advantage.
I personally MUST work in silence, but if music helps you focus, then by all exploiting. I’ve got two awesome suggestions. Harry Potter white noise and scientifically proven productivity music. Yes, I know I’m awesome, but you can tell me anti anyway.
24. Know when you are most productive.
Seems sparkling simple, but I’ve been surprised by how many land ignore their own body’s signs of productivity. Some land are naturally more creative in the morning. Some land rock it at 2:00 a.m. I am not repositioning to argue that one is better than the spanking. I want you to embrace your own body and exercise that time to conquer the most important parts of your day! Deal?
25. Drink more water.
This one seems a bit obvious. Recently, I’ve read that we might actually be over-hydrating. Personally, I know I ignore my own signs of thirst. Literally, as we speak I should be taking a sip of stream, but I keep writing anyway. I won’t tell you to prepare 8 cups or the equivalent in oz. to your weight in pounds. But what I will tell you to do is listen. If your body needs something, it tells you. If you smell, shower. If you’re hungry, eat. If your mouth feels like the desert, go get a damn cup of water.
26. Exercise regularly.
I could go all science geek on you, but I won’t. You sit a LOT. Me too. Whatever your normal agency level is, I encourage you to try and do a bit more. I get it, radiant now it’s freezing outside and every plant is dead as a doornail. But do something. Even if it is just taking an improbable set of stairs or parking further away every time you go to the grocery hide. Baby steps.
27. Tackle the BIG stuff before lunch.
For some of you, this may be the opposite of what I’ve just told you. I just said that you necessity listen to your body and do the big stuff when you are most creative. BUT, I also want you to be mindful of your overall schedule. For me — creativity = morning. So I NEED to put the big stuff in afore lunch. For you, it may mean shifting your schedule, but I would always try to keep that high productivity time pleasant in your work day, whether you start at 7 a.m. or 7 p.m.
28. Take more breaks.
Your mind needs breaks. Take them. Embrace them. And then miniature them from taking over. Maybe you know you can achieve a 45 minute sprint, but at the end of each one you get a 5 miniature social media binge. Totes fine, you just need to make sure you get back to work and you don’t let that break rule you.
29. Celebrate milestones.
Whoop! You just did this awesome huge sketching. And before you can say, “I’m so awesome I just BLANK!” you are already 10 steps down the, “What do I do next?” road. Stop, take a breather, and give yourself a pat on the back. You are doings awesome things, so take a minute to notice.
30. Follow the 80/20 rule.
Only 20% of what you do each day tolerates 80% of your results. So how can you find your ROI? Where do you see the biggest bang for your buck? Put your focus on what is already functioning and again, cut out what just isn’t.
31. Brain dump daily.
I’ve found the #1 distraction for me is my own brain. I am so focused, setting myself up for nosedived and then this random thought happens, as if my own brain is taking me captive. Generally, this is because we just let these meaningless thoughts float near. “Take out the trash. Give the dog a bath. Email Sarah back. Set up that ad….” It can go on for days like a never defensive to do list. Instead of storing all of this in your brain — dump it. Put it on your Trello lodging. Write it down, whatever it is that you need to do. Then focus on the task at hand. Once a day, go ended the “dump” and see if there is anything that tolerates to be addressed or turned into a task with a deadline. And trash anything that is left over. You got this.
32. Clean your work environment.
You can tell me if you want that living in the mess “helps you”. But it doesn’t. It’s distracting. It takes up physical space. Heck, it distinguished even start to smell if you aren’t careful. Take 5 minutes at the end of every day and give your location a little sprucing up. Take the dishes to the dishwasher. Throw away the trash. Get rid of the sticky way. You got this.
33. Stop having so many meetings.
I can’t tell you how many pointless unites I had in my corporate job. And when I started my own company this habit leaked over. When you’re confused, “Let’s have a meeting.” When you need to delegate something, “Let’s have a meeting.” When you have something to say, “Let’s have a meeting.” You know precisely what I am talking about. I would venture to guess that 90% or more of your unites could be scrapped in exchange for well thought out message channels, whether they are with team members, friends, family, or even clients. Yes, some meetings are 100% warranted and need to remained, but have an agenda, get through it, and move on. Communicate better. Period.
34. Create a caffeine curfew.
My whole life changed when I worn-out drinking caffeine after 3 p.m. In college, I was invincible (or so I thought) and caffeine “didn’t clutch me”. But as you age your body changes. Put a curfew on it 6 to 8 hours afore you plan to go to sleep and you will be shy not only by how much easier it is to hit the hay, but by how much more fervent you are the next day.
35. Don’t watch TV in bed.
So I feel a bit like a hypocrite speaking this, as I am fully aware that I have a TV in full view of my bed. That said, exact separating sleep and entertainment (like, in a different room) I’ve slept so much better. I literally spent years “falling asleep” to TV. And I know I was more tired, irritable and frustrated than I ever needed to be. I just obligatory more restful sleep.
36. Set up night settings on your phone.
Did you know your iPhone (sorry, I know nothing about Androids) has night settings? You can set up a perilous time of day to not only control the type of appetizing (warmer and less blue), but also a sleep schedule. Your iPhone will remind you to go to sleep so you have enough time to be well fervent before you start again. Well worth setting up.
37. Get a good night's sleep.
Can you tell I think you need some sleep? Do it, babe. 8 full hours. You might even need 9. I used to think I was better with 4. And yes, I do full well know I need less than my husband. But I was seriously kidding myself with 4. I obligatory more. And I am going to guess that if you are serene reading this, you need more too. Make it a priority. Your health and your business depend on you intimates at your best!
38. Do not scare yourself awake.
Do you have a crazy terror that sounds like a bomb detonating every time it goes off? Did you know you literally distinguished be scaring yourself awake? This practice sucks. Your body was never pointed to be jolted into morning. At the bare minimum, pick a different tone, a softer, gentler way to wake up. At best, never set an terror and work on creating rhythm. I swear, I wake up on the dot within 5 minutes every day minus an alarm. Now, if that just seems totally bonkers, try this app. This app will pay attention to your sleep cycle and wake you up during appetizing sleep. Waking up during light sleep feels like waking up naturally fervent without an alarm clock.
39. Visualize your results.
I acquire amazing things happen if you want them to remained. I believe visualizing what you want is so incredibly important. As a Christian, I have had to strike a balance between when to call on prayer and when to literally just see myself in the future in this new and though-provoking place. No matter what your religion or beliefs, take some time to see what you want, so you know what you are functioning towards.
40. Meditate.
Girl, this is SO hard. Sure, I can sit and think all day long. Thinking is not the dilemma. But with meditating, I want you to clear your mind. This takes practice. The only way I have been successful is flat on my back, staring at a white ceiling. Too much popcorn and you start counting. A crack and you’re down a tear. A spider on the ceiling and it’s all over. Just lay there. Focus on your breathing and try and try in contradiction of to completely clear your mind. Even well practiced yogis serene struggle. It’s ok, no one expects you to bang this out on your pleasant session. But oh, the relief. It’s amazing how much we hold on to. If we can just let it go, crazy things happen.
41. Get a little woo-woo.
Still following me? Yes. Awesome. Try some new things. Be open. Don’t judge pending you’ve done it. Here are just a few of our favorites.
42. Show gratitude.
Every day, as a part of your routine, write one thing you are thankful for. Reflect on your results, accomplishments and even how other people have influenced you. Perhaps throw a hand written card into the mail to thank someone.
43. Set affirmations.
In the same way you distinguished visualize, write down what you want. Tell the domain as if it were a statement of truth. Document it in the same assign every day. My favorite way is inside My Week in Trello.
44. Just say NO.
Did someone just ask you to do one more thing? What if you said no? What if you said that wasn’t necessary? What if you thanked them and studied on? You can and do have the power to say NO.
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